Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Meera, The Soul Divine

What a mesmerizing performance by Chitra Visweshwaran and Chidambaram Dance School, with the voice of Bombay Jayashri and her disciples! For a couple of hours, they took us to the days of Meera and let us rejoice in Meera's mindset, with no care in the world : just her along with her divine Krishna! It was a beautiful journey with multiple short stories built in, very well portrayed, stage by stage, by multiple dancers, all the way till Meera transcends bakthi to see Krishna within herself!

Each stage of the life of Meera, from an immature child to a mature, transcended adult, was portrayed very nicely by different dancers. This enabled each person in the audience to be able to relate to different stages in Meera's life. A lot of detail in the story was covered, to give a sense of completion and thoroughness. A charming snake dance, Krishna's Kalinga Nardhana, added to the spectacular nature of this dance drama. Meera's futile attempts to actually see Krishna, her frustration in her inability to be in his physical presence, finally culminating in self realization of Meera, was a simply stunning climax.

Pujiya Swami's words came to my mind multiple times during the show - Self realization, beauty of advaita, the reality of how charity helps the giver and receiver. While the children get Free Student Homes, education, health care and a life style, I got the purpose of my life fulfilled!

Don't miss this rare opportunity to be with Meera in the city nearest to you!

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